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Next Door Neighbors Page 4

  “I will. Thank you.”

  Brian drank the rest of the iced tea, and handed the cup back to her. Seeing her friends peeking yet again, he teased, “Looks like your friends miss you.”

  “Ugh. Yeah, I better get back.” Looking at the roof, she added, “Be careful up there, okay?”

  Brian chuckled, “Oh, don’t worry. I live for this stuff.”

  “Accidents still happen, though,” Jill warned.

  “Of course. Well, you have my word then that I’ll be careful,” he said playfully. “Scout’s honor.”

  That obviously didn’t sit well with Jill as she just rolled her eyes in response.

  I’ve got to cool it on the teasing, I guess.

  As Jill started to head back to her home, she told Brian to say hi to his mom for her.

  Remembering that he was going to invite her over for Elena’s birthday, Brian abruptly spoke up, saying, “Hey, speaking of my mom, her birthday is coming up. I’d love it if you could come by.”

  “That’s right! Um, yeah, I’m sure I could.”

  Pleased, Brian said, “Great! I’ll let you know the details as I figure everything out.”

  “Sounds good. Well, enjoy your day, and please do be careful.”

  “I will. You too.”

  Brian watched as Jill walked away from him, enjoying every movement her hips made as her toned legs took each stroll. He was thrilled she agreed to spend some time with him to celebrate his mom’s birthday.

  Realizing that he should probably get back to work, he turned to head towards the garage for more nails. This time he caught all of Jill’s friends red handed. The best thing he could think of to do was smile politely and wave. The girls were startled that they were caught, but Brian didn’t care. The only girl he cared about was Jill.


  “You’re all horrible!” Jill blasted. She was irate, and somewhat disgusted, with how her three friends had acted, and made that perfectly clear as soon as she walked into her house. Upon entering her living room she still saw Amanda taking a look or two. Jill put her hands on her hips and said, “Haven’t you had enough?”

  Each of the girls took a seat looking somewhat ashamed. Not that it was genuine. They were just caught in something they knew was wrong from the start but did it anyway.

  “You guys are acting like you’re in high school!” Jill’s rant continued. “And in case you haven’t noticed, that was like ten years ago already!”

  “Sorry, Jill,” Becky apologized first.

  “Yeah, sorry,” Jessica seconded.

  “Well, I’m not sorry,” Amanda scoffed, unrepentant. “He’s new, he’s cute and that’s exciting!”

  This coming from someone who’s married!

  “It’s really not, Amanda,” Jill said. “Can’t we just move on?”

  “No! We want to hear about what happened out there.” Amanda chimed like a ten year old.

  “Yeah, what did you guys talk about?” Becky joined in.

  “You guys practically saw the whole thing!”

  “So,” Jessica snorted. “It’s not like we heard anything.”

  Jill sighed loud enough for all to hear her displeasure over the whole conversation.

  “We don’t mean anything bad by asking. We’re just curious,” Amanda tried to justify.

  I know! You guys are too curious!

  “Well, nothing really happened. I offered him the tea, which he liked. He told me how he noticed you guys looking at him occasionally –”

  “Wait. He saw us looking at him the whole time?” Jessica asked in slight embarrassment.

  Jill nodded her head.

  “Whoops,” Becky cringed.

  “Doesn’t matter, guys. Go on, Jill,” Amanda prompted.

  “I told him to be careful on the roof, and then he invited me over for his mom’s birthday. That’s it.”

  “He invited you over like as a date?” Amanda’s curiosity peaked.

  “No!” Jill’s face blushed slightly at the thought of going on a date with Brian, even though she knew that was not what he was looking for.

  “Well, it sounds like he’s interested in you, that’s for sure,” Amanda insisted.

  “No, it doesn’t. I’m really good friends with his mom, and have you guys forgotten how much his mom has helped me out?”

  “Eh, still,” Amanda dismissed.

  Jill did not have the strength to argue with her so she dropped it all together.

  “Is Brian single?” Jessica wondered.

  “I don’t know. I didn’t ask.”

  “You should totally ask him out, Jill!” Amanda urged.

  “Amanda! Stop! I really don’t want to talk about this anymore.”

  “Well, why not?” Jessica asked. “You haven’t dated anyone in a long time. It might be good!”

  “Trust me, he’s not my type.”

  “He’s not your type? Being extremely hot and good with his hands is not your type?” Amanda challenged mischievously.

  “Oh my, I can’t even…I just…Amanda, just stop.” By now Jill was starting to get a headache. She started hoping her friends would just leave because she couldn’t take all their grief much longer.

  “Fine, fine, fine,” Amanda said while putting her hands up in surrender.

  “Thank you.” Jill leaned back on the couch and took a deep breath, relieved. For a few brief moments, golden silence filled the room.

  Until Amanda piped up.

  She was a talker, and a quick one at that. She started talking about her house and how far the renovations were coming. She then quickly moved on to her husband and how she was upset he wouldn’t let her do yoga at home. One thing after another, Amanda kept babbling on.

  Becky and Jessica joined in occasionally too. Before long, the four girls were enjoying casual conversations, catching up on one another’s lives, time escaping them all. This was the type of stuff that Jill enjoyed doing with her friends. This was the type of stuff that kept them all together for as many years as they’ve been.

  Noticing the time, Jessica informed the others she had to go.

  “Me too,” Becky said.

  The four girls got up from their seats and walked each other over to the door.

  “It was good seeing you guys again,” Jill said as she gave both Jessica and Becky a hug.

  Then they left.

  Amanda stayed a tad longer so that she could apologize to Jill for her behavior.

  “It’s okay. Just don’t do it again,” Jill pleaded, knowing full well it was useless. Amanda was Amanda after all.

  “I just want to see you happy.”

  “I am happy,” Jill said with the biggest smile she could muster.

  Amanda took a moment to study her friend and concluded she was, in fact, telling the truth. “Okay. Okay,” she said.

  “Say hi to Derek for me, okay?”


  With a tight hug, both girls separated, and Amanda headed out the door. Jill watched as she got in her car, backed out the driveway and headed down the road. She took a big sigh of relief.

  Thud, thud, thud.


  Thud, thud, thud.

  Jill listened for a moment, and then decided to take one more look next door, curious as to how far Brian had come on the roof. Remembering that he had seen her friends before, Jill was extra careful with how she peaked out the window so that he wouldn’t see her doing the same. To her pleasure, Brian was still close enough to her house so that she could see him easily.

  He is good with his hands!

  By now he was a bit sweatier too, but that just proved he was working hard, a character trait that Jill always found attractive. Each movement that Brian took showed different muscles in his chest and arms that Jill appreciated.

  He is extremely hot!

  Not wanting to act too much like her friends, she walked away to go take a shower.

  It wouldn’t work out anyway, she tried telling herself.

sp; 5

  The night before Elena’s birthday, Brian had everything prepared, right down to the meal he would serve. The only thing he didn’t have figured out yet was the dessert. He didn’t want to do the traditional cake and ice cream because, not only was too ordinary, but his mom was never a huge fan of that anyway. With time running out, Brian had no choice but to look through some of his mom’s cookbooks in hopes of finding something special in there that he could make.

  Flipping through the pages revealed many good options, however, nothing struck Brian’s fancy. He about gave up and thought that maybe it would be best to just ask his mom for what she wanted, taking the surprise out of it all.

  But then there it was! The perfect dessert to go with the perfect meal!

  Next to the title was three stars, a smiley face and the words “very yummy”. Apparently this was a recipe that had been tried and true according to Elena’s scribblings so Brian knew it was the perfect fit. He checked the ingredients, and thankfully he was pretty sure his mom had them all.

  Brian got out a mixing bowl and the measuring cups he needed. All the ingredients were placed on the counter next to him, as well as the oven preheated. He felt good about it all, and began baking the Chocolate and Peanut Butter Delight.

  When the oven chimed, signaling the first layer was done, he took it out to have it cool and then started on the second layer. After opening up the jar of peanut butter, Brian realized he may have a problem. It appeared there may not be as much in there as he had thought, but was hoping he misjudged.


  Brian was almost a half of a cup short. Letting out a sigh, he contemplated his options.

  I suppose I’ll just head to the store.

  Throwing the peanut butter jar in the trash under the kitchen sink, he saw Jill’s house out the window. That gave him a better idea.

  Or I could just ask Jill!

  Brian wiped his hands and then headed out the door to make the short walk over to Jill’s. He hoped she would be home, but with the night as beautiful as it was, he wouldn’t blame her if she wasn’t.

  The car in the driveway’s a good sign!

  He got to the door and gave a couple of good knocks. To Brian’s delight, Jill answered. Although confused, she greeted him politely.

  “Hi. Sorry to bother you, but you wouldn’t happen to have peanut butter in your house would you?

  Peanut butter? Jill thought.

  In her opinion, peanut butter was a slightly odd item to ask for. Eggs, butter, flour or even sugar she could understand. Peanut butter was a new one for her. “Um, yeah, I think so! Come on in.”

  Brian entered Jill’s home and instantly felt at home himself. The colors of the kitchen were warm and inviting. There was a very real modern feel to the way everything was colored, coordinated and displayed. He was impressed.

  Walking towards one of her cupboards, Jill asked, “So what do you need peanut butter for? If I may ask.”

  “It’s for the dessert I’m making for tomorrow night. I found this recipe in one of my mom’s cookbooks that sounds good. Only problem is that I’m about a half of a cup short.”

  Now it was Jill’s turn to be impressed. She turned in shock and inquired, “You’re making a dessert?”

  Brian chuckled, “Yes, I can bake.”

  “Wow! Good for you!”

  Brian caught a glimpse of tease in Jill’s eyes as she responded with a playful smile. He loved how her face beamed from apparent happiness, and hated that it was short lived. Right after she spoke, she turned back towards the cupboard to get the peanut butter.

  Not that this is a bad view either, he thought wickedly.

  He watched as she reached for the peanut butter that was placed on a shelf almost out of reach. Jill stood on her tippy toes and extended her arms to where she needed to be. The best part for Brian was the sight of her midriff as the shirt she wore rose right along with her toes and arms. He was elated that he was able to catch the image of her toned abs and tight and firm skin.

  Brian’s thoughts started to race, and he longed to touch every inch of her. He wanted to know what it would be like to cup her face, kiss her lips and brush through her hair with his fingers. Images of him holding her, grazing over her curves and feeling her soft, smooth skin entranced him.

  Jill interrupted his pondering when she tried to hand him the peanut butter.

  Noting the name brand, Brian chirped, “Oooh, the best!”

  “Of course! I never skimp on my peanut butter.”

  Jill backed up towards her counter to lean on it, crossing her arms in front of her. Seeing as this wasn’t the first time he has noticed this about her, Brian was getting the feeling that she liked to be boxed in, private. It was as if she was avoiding any sort of closeness with him. It stung a little to think that may be true, but it wouldn’t stop him from pursuing her, even if it meant they only became good friends. He could settle for that.

  Or at least he thought he could.

  Not knowing if he should leave or strike up small talk, he opted for continuing the conversation he started earlier. “I’m actually going to be making the whole meal from scratch,” he said proudly.

  “Impressive!” Jill acknowledged with eyebrows raised. “What are you going to make?”

  “Yeah, like I’m going to tell you,” Brian razzed. Smiling, he added, “I actually want it to be a surprise.”

  Jill raised her hands in defeat. “Well, can you at least tell me when you’d like me to come over?”

  “That I can! Does five thirty sound okay?”

  “That works,” Jill grinned.

  “Great. Well, I’ve got what I need so I best be going. That dessert’s not going to make itself. Thanks again for the peanut butter, Jill,” Brian said, slightly lifting the jar.

  “Oh, no problem!” Jill replied, waving a hand. She then walked over to the door to see Brian out and closed it behind him.

  As soon as Brian got back to his mom’s house, he started where he left off with the dessert. The little bit he taste tested here and there was divine and he couldn’t wait to have some the next day. He was getting more and more thrilled about the whole birthday party idea. The only thing he wasn’t quite sure about was what he was most looking forward to. His mom’s birthday? Making a delicious meal from scratch? Or was it seeing Jill?

  With a twinge of guilt, he had to admit that the answer leaned more towards seeing Jill than anything else.


  Knock. Knock. Knock.

  Jill stood outside Elena’s home, gift in hand, waiting to be welcomed in. When it was Brian who greeted her, she was taken back by the womanly apron he wore. “That looks…” Jill began. She couldn’t think of the right word to say so she ended with, “Interesting.”

  “This?” Brian asked as he looked down at himself.

  “Yeah,” Jill giggled.

  “It’s my mom’s.”

  “Well, I would sure hope so!”

  Both of them erupted into a bout of laughter.

  Taking the gift from Jill, he led her in. Jill could smell the aroma of an Italian feast fill the air. Each time she inhaled she grew hungrier, and eventually her mouth watered.

  When she went into the dining area she noticed how charming Brian had decorated the room. It was dimly lit and candles were burning, reminding Jill of what it would be like at an authentic Italian restaurant. “You really did a great job,” Jill admired.

  Elena walked in and added, “He sure did. Thank you, son.”

  Her and Brian hugged, the vision causing Jill to smile and feel warm on the inside.

  When it was Jill’s turn, she beamed, “Happy Birthday! You look lovely.” She was always good at complimenting people on their appearance. No matter what the person may be wearing, Jill made it a point to find at least one thing she liked. In this case, Elena had on a comfortable shirt with some beads that glittered and shined, accentuating her silver hair.

  “Thank you, dear.”

; “I’m going to leave you ladies to talk while I finish up in the kitchen,” Brian said, dismissing himself.

  Elena stepped over to a chair at the head of the table so that she could sit. Jill followed closely behind.

  “So how are you doing today?”

  “Not too bad. Not too bad,” Elena answered with a sweet smile.

  “I’m glad to hear that.”

  Conversation came easy to them as they shared all the things that were new since they last saw each other. It was when Jill started talking about getting some extra hours lately that Brian came in with some of the food he was going to serve.

  “That looks so good,” Elena praised.

  “So spill the beans, Brian. What will we be dining on tonight?” Jill wondered.

  “For your enjoyment, we will be having a seven-layer lasagna, Caesar salad and herb cheese bread.”

  Jill found it a bit hilarious that he spoke as if he was the chef serving a table. It was cute though, too, especially when he emphasized the word “and”. Not to mention, she was pleasantly surprised to hear the menu. Italian was her favorite food, and never knew a tough-looking man like him would even dare make such exquisite dishes. “Wow! Sounds amazing!”

  “My favorites!” Elena squealed.

  “That’s why I made them,” Brian revealed with a smirk.

  Elena got first dibs on the food. Brian made sure Jill was next, and he gladly served himself last, knowing there was more than enough and that there would probably even be leftovers. When he hosted a get together, which was extremely rare, he always made sure there was more food than necessary.

  The three of them barely spoke a word to one another at first, too highly satisfied with what they were eating. Instead, the only sound that filled the air was the clink of utensils striking the plates.

  When appetites were sated and dinner was well underway, Brian, Elena and Jill enjoyed casual small talk, occasionally erupting into a fit of laughter. Jill couldn’t remember the last time she had so much fun. She was thoroughly enjoying herself, the food, and had to admit that the company wasn’t bad either.

  Eventually the topic swayed towards Brian as Elena began telling Jill some stories of his childhood and time here before he moved south. Each new thing Jill heard, she became more interested in who Brian was and how he became the man he was today. She tried picturing a young Brian playing in this house and all the fun he probably had in the small backyard that Elena owned. Some things were too hard to imagine, but she enjoyed each story all the same.